I've been meaning to share this for a long time... so, in the spirit of NYC fashion week, here is our wonderful and beautiful pal Sarah Pedinotti of Railbird rocking one of our home-designed and home-printed Rubblebucket tank tops. I just got a huge new shipment of blank shirts in so one of my goals this week is to crank out 180 new ones! AHH! It's going to be a Brooklyn rooftop work extravaganza. Me+ipod+screen+ink+blanks+wine+popsicles+hot sun (the drying agent)=MERCH! Also: thanks to Chad and Betsy who burned the screen for us- a great gift.
Here are other entries to my merch to-do list:
-hand-sewn and printed nylon tote backpacks
-a new style of 1" buttons
-MAYBE hand-sewn baseball caps but those will be very limited edition (because I only have so many hours in the day and I have to spend at least SOME of them practicing right?!?!?!)
Ok, back to work.
+ Rubblebucket