Long time no blog, I know. Well, I thought I would share a little taste of our recent travels, so here we go:
This tour out to the midwest has been many things. It's been exhilarating, illuminating, hard, fun, silly, uplifting, social, and fulfilling. We were taken in by so many awesome loving people! We had a chance to work out a few new songs, and get them solid, including an Ian Hersey original informally known as "Ribbons" and Alex and my new song "Rescue Ranger". We had a lot of great bonding time as a band in the van (voluntary and not-so-voluntary), out of which came our new in-joke: you just bellow/schreech out the most god-aweful noise you can and everybody laughs.
Our third time in Grand Rapids was just as awesome (if not more) than the previous two visits. Founders Berwery is a big warm open room smelling like hops with windows into the brewing area. When you walk in there are peanut shells covering the floor, and usually about 50-100 people chatting loudly and drinking and eating. We had lots of old/new friends come out to see us, and we played furiously and were offered 2 cases of beer as a kind tip for the night. Our GR angel Beth put us up and recommended Bill's Family Restaurant for breakfast, where we could have ordered (but didn't) Duke of Rib... wow.
Des Moines is another beautiful city. During our day off there I went to the mechanic to check out a wiring problem. On the way back the entire sky was filled with crows. The biggest coven I've ever seen in my life. I pulled over to get out and watch, found a bench and propped my head back so I could just let my eyes take in the constant writhing, flapping, circling movement, of the crows' black bodies in the pale late afternoon sky. I could hear their flapping too. Then we played at Vaudville Mews with Tiger City, an awesome band from Brooklyn with the coolest front man I have seen in maybe ever. He is big and bald and his name is Bill and he sings like a lady sometimes. We all loved their set and their new CD Ancient Lover stayed in the front cup holder of Puppy for a long time (it is still there) (front cup-holder position is highest praise).
In St. Louis we played a fun show and then partied until daybreak with Liz and Maggie and their amazing crew of friends. Thanks for the doughnuts guys!!! The next day on the radio I heard Beyoncé's song "He's Got A Big Ego" for the first time and was blown away (as I often am by that lady). Somewhere along the way to Iowa City we stopped at a rest area and I took this video of me getting my jumppys out.
Then we all started jumping and taking pictures of it...
And finally Chicago. A great way to end the tour. We were sandwiched between two talented hip-hop groups, Treologic and the Heiruspecs. We danced for a bit and then had to cut out early to begin an all-night drive back to New Jersey with lots of cozy van-bonding time. Lots. Lots... wow.
Kalmia + Rubblebucket